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6 Tips to Avoid a Septic System Repair and Maintain the Longevity of Your Tank in the Bedford, NY, Area

If you want to maintain the longevity of your septic system and avoid a septic system repair, some steps can be taken to ensure this happens. Here are six tips to keep your Bedford, NY, septic system in tip-top shape.

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Be Careful About What You Flush

All that should be flushed down the toilet should be waste, water, and toilet paper. It is a good idea to use biodegradable toilet paper. Baby wipes, tampons, facial tissues, and cat litter should never be flushed down the toilet, even if the packaging claims they are the flushable type. These items take considerable time to decompose, so they can quickly fill up the septic tank. Make sure to have a trash can conveniently located in your bathroom so that these items can be easily thrown away rather than flushed.

Don’t Pour Cooking Oil or Grease Down the Drain

Cooking oil and grease solidify when they are cool, ending up coating the drain lines and causing debris to get stuck. Never pour cooking oil or grease down the drain; rather, throw them away to avoid septic system problems down the road.

Limit the Use of Your Garbage Disposal

Kitchen waste can reduce the effectiveness of your septic system, so either don’t have a garbage disposal at all or use it sparingly. When pieces of food are washed into the septic system, the sludge levels begin to rise, and you will have less capacity in the tank. The bacteria that break down the organic matter will be unable to treat the wastewater and work efficiently. Septic tanks tend to need pumping much more frequently when a garbage disposal is used. Instead, consider composting to eliminate kitchen waste—it’s an environmentally friendly option that can save your septic system.

Have Your Septic Tank Pumped Regularly

Septic tanks need to be pumped approximately every three to five years, but this can depend on the amount of wastewater that is produced. Many professionals recommend having your septic tank inspected about once per year. Generally, if the sludge is filling 25% or more of the septic tank, then it is time to have the septic tank pumped. If not pumped regularly, waste can back up into your home and enter your sinks, toilets, and even bathtubs.

Don’t Use Too Much Water

Be mindful of the amount of water that you and your family use. Avoid excess water use and do your laundry throughout the week rather than all at once if you can. Make sure that you do not have any leaky faucets or a leaky toilet that could add extra water to the septic system. Some homeowners use the toilet numerous times before flushing to save water.

Be Mindful of Septic System Issues

Watch for any signs of septic system issues, such as gurgling sounds in the plumbing system. You may notice standing water or moist spots near the septic tank or drain field if there are issues. Another sign of a problem is if there are bad odors around the system. Staying mindful of these concerns will help prevent serious septic system problems that can be a headache to address.

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