4 Signs You’re in Need of a New Septic Tank in Cortlandt, NY

4 Signs You’re in Need of a New Septic Tank in Cortlandt, NY

When your toilets start to back up and overflow or your washing machine gurgles and doesn’t want to drain, these can be signs that you might need a new septic tank. Here are some ways to determine if you simply need service on your Cortlandt, NY, septic tank or if it is time for a new system. 

Related: How To Prepare For Septic System Repair In Chappaqua, NY

Workings of a Septic System

If you are uncertain of what happens to the waste from your home but know it goes into the septic system, a basic understanding of this environmentally friendly waste removal system can help. One of the best characteristics of a septic waste system is that most septic tanks do not require electricity to work well.

The waste and water flowing from your home travel through pipes to empty into a septic tank. In the tank the solids fall to the bottom where they are eventually decomposed by beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. The fluids float in the middle and are piped out to the drain field where they can slowly filter back into the earth. The top layer is sludge, which is made up of oils and grease that can’t decompose, and this is why it is a good idea not to pour grease or oil of any kind into the drains of your home. 

Signs of Septic System Distress

  • Bold, green grass: While you always want healthy, lush green grass to grow in your yard, a patch that only grows over the septic tank should make you suspicious. Plants and living things grow toward a water source, and bright green grass over the septic area can alert you to a potential leak there. Ideally, the grass over the septic tank should look like the other grass in your yard.

  • Line of green grass: Similar to bold, green grass over the septic tank, if you have a line of green grass that leads to the septic tank area, you could have a leak in a pipe that is causing your septic system not to function the way it should.

  • Slow drains: When your sink or washing machine drains slowly, you could have an obstruction in the pipe. At times the pipe can become clogged with grease or other things that you have flushed into the system, or a tree root might have found its way into the pipe to cause a block. When your drains are slow at emptying, this can be at minimum a sign that you need septic service. 

  • Rotten smell: Healthy septic systems should produce no smells—you should not even know it is there. If you notice an unpleasant smell every time you exit your door, this can be a sign of a septic system problem that needs immediate attention. 

When to Call an Expert

If you suspect you have a septic system problem, then you need experts with experience to diagnose the issue and recommend proper solutions. They know that your septic system is crucial to the healthy functioning of your home and family and that you need an informed, speedy solution to any problems.

With access to septic specialists who have extensive knowledge of land engineering and possess expert diagnostic equipment, you can be assured that they will bring the ideal answer to your Cortlandt, NY, septic system issues.

Related: What Makes A Smooth, Problem-Free Septic Installation In Pleasantville, NY?