4 Warning Signs That You're in Need of Septic Repair in Chappaqua NY and Montrose NY Areas

4 Warning Signs That You're in Need of Septic Repair in Chappaqua NY and Montrose NY Areas

It might not be readily apparent that your Chappaqua, NY, and Montrose, NY, areas septic system is in need of repair, but these warning signs can help you decide when you need to call an expert. A poorly working septic system can disrupt your life and bring costly damage to your home.

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How a Septic System Works

When there is no municipal sewage system available for a home, this is when a septic system is the waster removal system of choice. Working with only the force of gravity, a septic system removes the waste from your home from toilet flushes, showers, washing clothes, and all other daily life activities that involve flushing something down the drain. 

Once flushed, the waste and water flows through pipes and into an airtight tank buried underground in a section of the yard. In the tank, the waste separates into three layers -- the bottom, middle, and top. The bottom layer is the solids that decompose through beneficial microbes and bacteria, the middle layer is water that flows out through a drain pipe to the drain field, and the top is the sludge made up of grease and oils that can’t decompose.

The drain field accepts the water and allows it to disperse slowly back into the earth. The entire septic system typically operates reliably for many years; however, it can experience problems that need immediate attention.

Signs that You Need Septic Service

Flush overflow: When you flush the toilet or take a shower, does the water back up and overflow onto the floor? If so, then you likely have a septic problem that needs attention. Over time, tree roots can grow into the tiniest crack in a pipe, which can cause blockage and backups. Another possible cause can be that a pipe is clogged with grease and other debris that won’t let the waste pass through.

Odors: Since a septic system is airtight when it is installed, you should smell no odors or rank smells. If you begin to smell something stinky, you could have a leak in the system somewhere that is letting the tank odors out.

Wet spots in the landscape: If you have a puddle in the yard when it has not rained, or you notice that one section of grass is bright green and growing taller than the rest of the grass, this can indicate a leak. 

Has your tank been pumped: If your tank has not been pumped in 2-3 years, it could be time to have a septic service pump the tank as this can cause the waste to back up when flushed. 

What Happens When You Have Service

Proper maintenance is the key to keeping your septic system in top working order and this can include regular pumping. How often to have your system pumped can depend on how many people live in your home. Most septic systems are based on the number of bedrooms in the home with two people per room, so if you have more than that living in your home, you might need service more often. The amount of water and waste that enters the tank can overwork the system and mean that you need to call an expert septic service for help.

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