How a Drainage Company Can Help Prepare Your Home for Winter in Briarcliff Manor, NY

If you are experiencing water problems in your Briarcliff Manor, NY, landscape, consider how a drainage company can help to resolve them before winter comes. An experienced drainage company has the expertise and equipment you need to fix those problems once and for all.

Correcting Muddy Areas

How a Drainage Company Can Help Prepare Your Home for Winter in Briarcliff Manor, NY

If you are constantly dealing with muddy areas in your landscape every time a storm comes through, there are ways to correct this mud and erosion problem. Not only can the mud make your yard look bad, but erosion can also be a serious issue. 

Standing water can often draw pests such as flies and mosquitoes that gravitate to moist areas, and this can make your yard unpleasant and unusable for many of the activities you want to enjoy. 

Related: The Types Of Systems Our Drainage Company Can Install For Properties In Tarrytown, NY

Gutters and Downspouts

Keeping your gutters clear of leaves and other debris that can fall on your roof is critical to correct drainage from the top of your house. If your downspouts are not properly routed, the water can run directly into a landscape bed or driveway to wash away the landscaping you have there. Those muddy streaks on your driveway can be impossible to remove. 

Standing Water Around the Foundation

Water that pools around the foundation of your home can create all sorts of problems for you—from seeping into your walls and floors of the basement to water-logging the plants and shrubs nearby. This water can also draw pests that you don’t want near your home. 

Water from Sloping Terrain

If any portion of your yard has a steep slope that presents a problem when a storm comes, with its gushing water that rushes through your landscape and maybe even into a neighbor’s backyard, this can destroy any landscaping efforts and potentially damage your driveway and sidewalks. The gulley this stormwater creates in your yard can also affect the integrity of your home’s foundation. 

French Drain

Installing a French drain around the base of your home can be an excellent way to remove the standing water that ends up in your basement. Composed of a trench with a gravel bed, the French drain has a perforated pipe that collects the water and carries it to a better drainage spot. 

Related: 5 Tips From Drainage Company For Managing Stormwater In Briarcliff Manor, NY

Catch Basin

The catch basin is typically installed in a low area of the landscape where the water collects. The water flows into the top of the basin that is level with the ground where it can then seep into the ground without causing a problem. 


Sometimes all you need to solve a water issue is to have the ground regraded to flow away from your home and into a place where it can disperse with no damage. 

Your Briarcliff Manor, NY, drainage and construction company has the comprehensive solutions you need to solve those standing water and erosion problems before the winter weather arrives. Our team of experts can help you avoid the mold and mildew problems that frequently accompany moisture issues, keeping your home free of these types of fungi. 

Because we understand how difficult these water problems can be to solve, we can personally inspect your Briarcliff Manor, NY, landscape before suggesting any drainage solution. Our engineered drainage solution could be exactly what you need to remedy your water problem permanently.