New Septic Tank Bedford NY - How to Optimize the Lifespan of Your New Septic Tank — Santucci Construction

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How to Optimize the Lifespan of Your New Septic Tank in Bedford, NY

How to Optimize the Lifespan of Your New Septic Tank in Bedford, NY

Whether your Bedford, NY, septic tank is new or new to you, there are specific things you can do to extend the lifespan of this critical waste removal system. Here are some ways to optimize the life of your septic tank in the years to come. 

What Is a Septic Tank?

A septic tank is an environmentally friendly waste removal system that can be widely used in rural and outlying areas where public sewage systems are not available. It allows for safe disposal of wastewater and other waste products into an underground, airtight container that is typically made of fiberglass, plastic, or concrete. 

It has a pipe that leads into the septic tank to remove the waste and water from the house and another pipe that leads out of the tank to allow the wastewater to dissipate into a leach field. As the water filters back into the ground, the tiny impurities and any pollutants are trapped in the soil while the water seeps back to the deep earth. 

There are generally three layers in the septic tank. The first is the top layer, which is called scum, with the oils and grease that float on top and will not decompose. The second layer is the wastewater that comes from cooking, brushing teeth, washing clothes, taking showers, and using the toilets. The third layer is the solid waste that sinks to the bottom and begins decomposition aided by beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. 

Related: What Could Go Wrong With Septic Tank Repair And How To Avoid It In Chappaqua, NY

Ways to Protect the Lifespan of Your Tank

  • Monitor water usage: Too much water coming into the septic tank at one time can overload the system, so it is best to stagger showers especially when you have extra people in your home. The same is true for washing clothes. While it might be tempting to do all of your laundry on one day, staggering the loads over several days can be better for your system.

  • Don’t flush chemicals: Your septic tank was not made for chemicals, so minimize the amount of chemicals you flush into your system, including household chemicals like bleach and other cleaning agents. 

  • Don’t flush grease: Grease, fats, and oils can clog up the pipes that lead into the septic tank, and they can also clog up the drainage from your tank into the ground, so avoid pouring any type of oil down the sink to end up in the tank. Instead, let it cool and pour it into the garbage. 

  • Keep your drain field clear: The drain field is a critical part of the successful functioning of your septic tank as it absorbs the wastewater to be filtered back into the ground. Don’t plant trees or shrubs on this area as they can grow roots into the system and cause costly repairs. Do not park any cars on your drain field as this can compact the soil, causing your septic tank to back up when the soil is too dense to absorb the water correctly. 

  • Pump the tank: Your septic tank professionals should be able to guide you on how often to pump the tank, but the general rule is every two to five years depending on how heavy the use is in your home. If your family is large and you do laundry every day, then your tank might need to be pumped more often. 

Your septic experts have all of the answers you need to your septic tank questions. With over 40 years of experience, they are the authority on extending the lifespan of your septic syst

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