How Your Property Is Kept Pristine During Septic System Replacement in Chappaqua, NY — Santucci Construction

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How Your Property Is Kept Pristine During Septic System Replacement in Chappaqua, NY

How Your Property Is Kept Pristine During Septic System Replacement in Chappaqua, NY

If you have a Chappaqua, NY, home where you need a septic system replacement or you have recently purchased a home with this type of waste removal system, you have a very environmentally friendly way to remove waste that comes from life’s daily activities. At times a septic system must be pumped or replaced, so here are some ways to protect your property if your system’s time for service has arrived. 

Related: Why Septic Tank Repair Is Such An Important Task To Have Done In Tarrytown, NY

How a Septic System Works

Many homes around here utilize a septic system to remove household waste. Whatever is flushed down the toilet or down the sinks flows through pipes to end up in an airtight underground tank that holds everything—from the sludge that sinks to the bottom to the liquids in the middle to the scum that floats on top. The water then leaves through a pipe that allows the fluids to filter slowly back into the ground. The process occurs using only gravity and no electricity. 

A septic system must be pumped every one to three years, depending on how heavy the use is, and rarely needs to be replaced. However, in the event that yours does, protecting your property can be a priority. 

How to Protect Your Property

The best way to protect your property during septic system replacement is to work with septic professionals who have years of experience. Here is what you should look for in a septic replacement company.

  • Licensed team: Any septic contractor should be knowledgeable in safety compliance to protect your family and property from any contamination. Not only does that septic waste smell terrible but it can be a contaminant. When the company you choose has a thorough understanding of municipal regulations, this can ensure a smooth, successful project. 

  • Strict safety standards: You only want a company with extensive knowledge of engineering and septic plans. Cutting-edge diagnostic technology can mean that no dirt is removed until a safe, effective plan has been formed. 

  • Option for biodiffuser: Seek a company that has the option for a biodiffuser to replace your existing drain field. A biodiffuser can provide 2.5 times more volume capacity than a traditional drain field, enabling your septic system to function in a more optimal way. A biodiffuser can be ideal for any property but especially for those with limited drain field space.

  • Specialized care: Your septic system is an important part of your home, and you should feel comfortable discussing your concerns with your septic system repair experts. Personalized, one-on-one care and attention is something that you should expect from the professionals who are caring for your septic replacement.

You can feel confident that your Chappaqua, NY, septic system and property will be a high priority when you partner with a company with over 40 years of septic and excavation experience. They provide customized excavation and septic replacement with particular care to preserve the beauty of your yard.

Extensive diagnosis before progressing with any project protects your time, your budget, and the integrity of your property. The company knows that each customer and each repair is unique, so they strive to personalize how they approach every project. 

Related: How To Optimize The Lifespan Of Your New Septic Tank In Bedford, NY