Septic System Solutions: New Tank vs. Repair in Bedford, NY — Santucci Construction

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The Key to a Healthy Home: New Septic Tank vs Septic System Repair in the Bedford, NY Area

The Key to a Healthy Home: New Septic Tank vs Septic System Repair in the Bedford, NY Area

If you have a septic system on your Bedford, NY, property, there may come a time when repairs or a new septic tank are necessary solutions. Depending on the extent of the problem, one option may be better than another. New septic tank and septic system repair issues are serious ones to consider. Here are some ways you can tell which option is best:

Related: Understanding Your New Septic Tank And Maintenance Tips For Longevity In The Bedford And Chappaqua, NY Areas

Potential Septic Issues

There may be signs that you need a new septic system or repairs performed with the septic system. Some signs it may be time to call the septic system experts include sewage backing up into the house, soggy drainfield issues, gurgling sounds in toilets and drains, or a drainfield that smells bad. Sometimes it’s a quick repair while other times the entire septic system needs to be evaluated and fixed or replaced.

When Septic Repair Is Necessary

A septic repair may be needed in certain cases which saves you from having to get a new septic system installed. Before you hire a septic repair company to repair or replace your septic system, make sure the septic system is where the problem lies. You can hire a plumber to evaluate the issue first. If it looks like the problem isn’t with the septic system, a plumbing repair may take care of the issue. However, if the problem you’re experiencing relates to the drainfield issues or there are backups of sewage or wastewater, you’ll want to call the septic tank professionals to visit your property and evaluate the problem.

A septic repair may be necessary if you have to get the septic tank pumped, which could be the issue if you have sewage in your home. You may also find your septic tank needs to be pumped if the drainfield is soggy or it smells bad. If the septic tank pumping won’t resolve the issue, you may have a broken pipe or some other problem that might take a bit longer to diagnose and resolve. After an evaluation, the septic system expert will recommend a solution for your septic tank problem.

When Septic Tank Replacement Is Necessary

There may come a time when septic tank replacement is necessary. For example, if your septic tank has been in place for 20 years or more, it may be time for a new one. Your current septic tank may not be able to handle the amount of wastewater it processes and it may be worn down after years of work on your property. In this case, a new septic tank may be in your future. Also, if there is an issue with your septic tank or septic system that simply can’t be repaired or it wouldn’t pay to repair it, then it may be time for you to get a new septic system or tank.

Contact the Professionals

The best way to find a solution to your septic system problems is to hire an industry professional. A septic system company will visit your property and evaluate the septic issue. Once the problem is identified, the septic tank expert will determine if a repair or replacement is necessary to get your septic tank back in proper working order.

Related: An Inside Look At The Process Of A New Septic Tank Installation In The Bedford And Peekskill, NY Area