What to Look for in a Drainage Company in the Croton-on-Hudson, NY, Area

If your Croton-on-Hudson, NY, home and property has damage because of poorly draining water that stands on the grass and seeps into the foundation of your home, then you need the help of a professional drainage company. Here are the things to look for when seeking out experts who can help you get rid of those drainage problems.

Results of Poor Drainage

What to Look for in a Drainage Company in the Croton-on-Hudson, NY, Area

Most of us know very little about efficient drainage until we buy a home that has poor drainage—that’s when homeowners become accustomed to dreading every storm because of accumulated water that sits in the indentations of the yard or ends up in the basement. Repeatewated influx of water can damage sheetrock and wood, which can affect the integrity of the foundation of your home.  

Standing water in the landscape can cause your plants to die as the roots rot, and that same water can attract mosquitoes and other annoying insects. Having to walk through puddles in the yard means that your grass doesn’t grow as it should and you’ll end up tracking in mud every time you go outside. 

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Comprehensive Drainage Services

Look for a company with long-standing experience in comprehensive drainage services such as curtain drains, which serve to divert any water that collects around the base of your home. A dry well is a drain that is placed under the ground where water normally collects. This type of drain collects the water and then allows it to seep into the deeper ground underneath. 

A catch basin is a concrete structure that is placed underground where water typically flows. Covered with a slotted grate, the catch basin collects water and then diverts it to a stormwater drain through underground pipes. 

Water Management

You want a company that can diagnose water problems early to save you from extensive repairs later. Standing water can cause mold to grow, damage to the structure of your home, and problems with ice that can leave your landscape with worse wear than normal. 

Engineering Knowledge

A company with extensive knowledge of engineered drain plans understands the smallest details of how to rid your landscape of the damaging water. 

Excavation Capability

To remedy the problems that water have caused to a landscape, soil may need to be removed or dug up for drainage solution installation. You ideally want a drainage company that has the capability to do the excavation since it was involved in diagnosing the problem. A well-designed excavation project has just as much to do with understanding the land as it does the desired outcome.

Related: Avoid Flooding In Your Armonk, NY, Property With The Help Of A Stormwater Management Company

Producing a New Outdoor Space

A critical part of fixing a drainage problem is producing a new outdoor space for you to enjoy. This might include removing large rocks that are causing drainage problems or grading the slope so that the water drains away from your home. Using state-of-the-art equipment to change the land beneath your property so that drainage is no longer an issue is a key component of the final use and appearance of your landscape. 

Look for a company with over three decades of experience in solving drainage issues, one that provides extensive consultation and diagnostic services before progressing with any project, protecting the time, budget and integrity of a landscaping process. Then you can be confident that you have found the solution to your Croton-on-Hudson, NY, drainage problems.