Why the Pros Are Needed for a French Drain System Installation and Repair in the Tarrytown, NY Area

Why the Pros Are Needed for a French Drain System Installation and Repair in the Tarrytown, NY Area

Flooding on your property in the Tarrytown, NY, area is not only an inconvenience but can lead to many more issues down the road, such as damage to structural foundations. Not to mention, standing water is a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects, which cause issues all of their own. Plus, if water is entering your home you are more likely to see mold growth, which can lead to numerous health problems. A French drain system installation and repair would help with water management to prevent flooding by ensuring excess water drains properly and is directed to an appropriate location.

Related: Let Us Handle Your French Drain System Installation And Repair In Armonk And Tarrytown, NY

At first glance, a French drain system installation and repair may look like DIY jobs, but the projects are likely much more complex than you may think—which is why it’s a great idea to contact a professional who can help you with a French drain system.

Expert Knowledge

Imagine someone without any expertise installing a French drain system. This person goes through all of the hard work of digging a trench approximately 18-inches deep, 12-inches wide, and 100 feet long, and when the first big rainstorm hits, they continue to have flooding issues and discover that they didn’t install the system correctly and it was all for naught. That is wasted time and energy that could have been saved if this person had contacted a professional.

One of the benefits of hiring a pro is that they likely have experience with water management systems. They’ve probably installed and repaired hundreds of them, if not more. This experience is valuable in ensuring the drain system is correctly installed so that it works effectively and in fixing any issues that are occurring so they don’t happen again.

Proper Equipment & Materials

A professional water drainage company will be fully equipped with the necessary materials and equipment to get the job done right, whether installing or repairing. Oftentimes, a trencher or backhoe is needed for the project, especially if a large boulder happens to be found while digging and needs to be removed and hauled away from your property.

Depending upon the particular installation location, large amounts of gravel may be needed, and the pros have access to the equipment needed to haul and deliver the material. Not to mention, they have the correct piping, landscaping fabric, fittings, and other materials needed to complete the project.


Extensive experience means that a pro will be able to install or repair a French drain efficiently. Professionals can complete the project efficiently while ensuring the surrounding lawn and landscape are minimally disturbed. Plus, having access to the right equipment makes the job go much faster. A project that may take a professional a couple of hours to complete could take the average DIYer all day. And that’s not counting the possibility of a novice accidentally damaging their lawn or landscaping during the process and then needing to make repairs.


There is a lot of physical labor and heavy equipment involved in such projects, both of which can lead to potential injuries for the inexperienced person. When repairs are needed, a professional can safely make the repairs without doing further damage to the system or surroundings.

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